Saturday, December 11, 2010

something to think about

I found this video on the blog of a missionary in Thailand as I was browsing blogs. I have to say, I am astounded that around 1 of 5 blogs that I pass through are of missionaries in other countries.

To be honest, the idea of selling everything and leaving the country has never, not once crossed my mind until now. To see another person doing this blows my mind. And yet, it is so right. I can't say that at this moment in time it is something that I feel called to do, but ultimately if I am going to be His hands and feet, that means anywhere. I can't say "Use me, God. But only here, this is where I want to be. It's what I like, it's what I know." That's not how it works.

1 comment:

  1. That's good stuff. If we make God to be what we want, we're raising our hands in praise of ourselves. That's powerful.
