Monday, October 24, 2011

wires crossed

God and I must have had our wires crossed.

All this time I've been looking for a condo and just not finding the one. Found a few good ones, but not the one. They all slipped away. I gave up my deadline. Things still weren't moving. I looked at more. Still nothing. Then last Wednesday after looking at 3 condos, I started brainstorming. What if I buy a cute little house, in a safe neighborhood, and put in a security system? I asked my realtor if it was possible. He said very possible. He started the search that night and by Thursday morning had emailed me a list of possibilities. He said look at # such and such 0005 (by this point I was just reading the last 4 digits of the MLS because I was so burnt out on them) so I looked.. yeah, sure, it looked okay.. he asked if I had time to see it that day. My mom and little cousin were coming down to visit, so I said sure, I'll bring my family with. We drive, and I think we beat him there. We walked around the yard, were impressed, my mom starts telling me she'll help me with the hostas, you know, the usual. Then I get a call from him, he's at a different house. He says the MLS number and I said, yeah, I'm pretty sure that's where I am. He said, well, come over to this one and I'll see if we can get into that one after. It was really creepy too, when we got in the car and looked over at the house we were just walking around, there was some guy walking around inside (it was a vacant foreclosure..) so that was a good indicator, not the place.

So we drove over there. As we're driving, I get a voicemail from him that was delayed in getting to me, I listen to it and I think he said "We have lawyer's costs" so I'm freaking out.. oh no, they found out we were walking around the property when we weren't supposed to be.. we were trespassing! Now I'll never get a house! Then I calmed down and started thinking.......... ohhhhhh he said we have WIRES CROSSED. Breathe, Tamara, seriously. Calm the #$%^!! down. (I realized later that both my realtor and I were looking at MLS numbers that ended in 0005, which is why we ended up at different houses. What's the likelihood of that?! I feel like this was God saying "You think you see it all. You think you know what's best for you, but I have things far greater planned for you than you can ever imagine.")

Then we got there. Needless to say, I fell in love instantly. It was so right. I walked in and it smelled like my Grandparents' house. My mom starts firing off questions to my realtor like there's no tomorrow. My little cousin is planning where we'll put my Christmas tree. It cost more than I was hoping to spend (surprise surprise) but I wanted it.

We decided to satiate my initial interest in the other place so we went over to it. It was a DUMP. Seriously. Whatever you think a dump would be like, it was worse. I didn't even want to go in.

So we walked out and I said, well, how do I make this happen. I want this to happen. We crunched the numbers and found a way. It won't be easy, it will be tight, but it will work.

I saw the house at 1:30pm and made an offer by 5pm. The next morning was stressful. Between waiting to hear back from the listing agent and getting ready to have a weekend being personal attendant for my friend's wedding, there was a lot going on. They counter-offered, I counter-offered. My realtor and I went to see it again. Took measurements to make sure my stuff would actually fit and oh wow, it fits like a glove (surprise surprise). Then we went to the credit union to get some earnest money. In the time it took to drive there, they had verbally accepted my offer. I jumped up and down in the parking lot.

In less than 24 hours from stepping foot in the house we had a signed purchase agreement.

The inspection was today, which was also stressful. I haven't been sleeping well for days. It was neat to get to know the house very intimately, but there was a few issues. Nothing structurally or foundationally, but a couple small gas leaks to be tightened/fixed, some electrical/outlet issues, and a few others. Nothing extravagantly huge, but still some things to decide to ask them to fix or not.

Which brings me to this point. I'm talking to my realtor in the morning about what we'll ask them to fix. Need to go over the mortgage details again as well.

Let me tell you, this is one of the most incredibly stressful things I have ever done. I was telling my mom "I am so exhausted. So emotionally drained. It's not awful like a terrible breakup, but it's exhausting and stressful. It's on that level."

I'll need some cocktail of melatonin and sleepytime tea to get any zzz's tonight.


But God and I must have had our wires crossed.

Because all this time I've been looking for a condo, and now I see I was meant to find a house...

1 comment:

  1. PS: THAT'S YOUR HOUSE!!!! :-D

    And it was soooooooo worth the wait it was made to be yours. You just had quite the scavenger hunt to find it!
