Monday, October 31, 2011

TDL 10.31.11

The email from The Daily Love was great today. I'll emphasize the parts that very much resonated with me.

What does it mean to take off our masks? Well, it means - start telling the truth. The truth about how you feel. A life lived in and aligned with Truth puts us on a track of thriving that The Uni-verse intended for us when we were born.

Taking off your mask almost means not letting the opinions of your family, friends, loved ones or the world hold more weight and influence over you than the opinion you hold of yourself. Lots of people think they know what's best for you, but the truth is that no one knows better than you do.

Taking off your mask also means no longer pretending to be something or someone in order to get someone else's approval. We celebrate being 100% ourselves and other folks can do with that what they please. It's no longer our concern to play a role that pleases them, if in the process, we abandon ourselves.

Taking off your mask also means no longer playing small. It's time to up your game. The Uni-verse has great big HUGE plans for you. You cannot realize these plans if you keep yourself boxed in with the walls of fear! As my friend Marianne Williamson so famously said, "Who are you NOT to shine your Light? By your shining your Light, you will give others the permission to do so as well".

Taking off your mask means loving who you are, where you are right now. No changes. You are perfect. Yes you are. Own it and act accordingly.

And finally, taking off your mask means keeping promises that you make to yourself. If you want change in your life, make promises and then KEEP them. Low self-esteem doesn't just magically appear. It shows up when we break promises to ourselves. Want Love? Be love-able, let love in, don't push away people that are trying to Love you.

Whatever it is that you are being called to do in this life, you must take off your masks if you want to get there. No longer live for others. No longer play small. Love yourself right where you are and keep your promises to yourself.

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