So I see this massage therapist occasionally (aka not enough) and she is really, really great. Tonight we were talking about condo shopping. I was telling her about my frustrations with a couple great places coming along and then being sold either hours after I saw them or the day I found it online. It's hard to not get discouraged. I'm very particular about what I want and where and all of that, and I should be.. it's my hard-earned money that I'm investing. It's not an overnight kind of decision.
But when I set out I had a goal - before snowfall. Definitely before the end of 2011.
Her advice to me tonight - let go of the deadline.
She said it was holding me back. From fully experiencing everything right now, from trusting in the process, and ultimately, from allowing the right place to come into my life. I have been to focused on it NOT happening yet that I'm not even letting it happen at all.
I'll have to take some time to process it, but I know she's right. I'm blocking myself from what I ultimately want. I keep focusing each day on the fact that it hasn't happened yet, and it's one day closer to winter, and why haven't I found it yet..
Being stuck in this place of frustration isn't helping anything.
So that's the next task.. letting it go. Trusting that God has the right place waiting for me and it will come along in just the right time. (The parallels between condo searching and my love life (lack thereof) is *ahem* annoying, to say the least. But also humorous. At least I can laugh at myself.)
Time for another night's sleep and then two days of a yard sale which will hopefully bring in the dough so I can buy a condo, someday, whenever that might be. :)
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