Friday, September 30, 2011

better off

Funny how when I let go of my condo deadline, I actually don't feel that disappointed when a place I thought would be good actually wasn't. I really do trust that the right place will come at the right time. It won't be a matter of me settling on something. It won't be a matter of me forcing it to happen. It (clearly) won't be on my timeline. Is anything ever? Not really.. but it all always works out, and even better than I would be able to make it happen.

His plan really is better than mine. Only days, months, years after can I look back and say "Wow, I really am better off" because such and such happened, or the relationship with so and so ended, or this or that was delayed for a while. But really, that's all I have to say about the past, it really has been for the best. I've always been better off for whatever happened or didn't.

I'm better off not getting into a condo that's too expensive, too far from work/school, in a less than desirable neighborhood, etc. etc. just because I want it so badly.

Patience, young'n. It'll all happen in due time. His time. It's never really been on your time. <3

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