Wednesday, August 29, 2012

living in the maybe

Instead of demanding what we want and wanting it now, can we ask The Uni-verse for what we want, and then let go? Can we rest in the peace of the moment knowing we are provided for and that the perfect thing, which is probably better than what we asked for in the first place, will show up?

Do we really have the faith to live the maybe? Or better put, can we see that the delays of The Uni-verse are not Its denials? Can we let go and let things unfold naturally?

The Truth is that the perfect outcome will happen. My Mom told my Father yes; but if she had said no, he would have gotten the Truth and been able to move on to find a woman who loved him and could go the distance.

Ask for the emotional sobriety and peace of mind to be okay living the maybes. Get comfortable in the in-between. Know that delays are not denials and have fun in the moment, in the mean time, as it evolves into an ever better version of reality.

The Daily Love 8.29.2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

0% vs. 10% vs. 90% vs. 100%

The Daily Love August 17, 2012
I have a question: In your ideal scene for a partner, do you imagine him or her being in another relationship or not available to you emotionally? If that is what you would put on your vision board, then yes, this is the person for you. But chances are, none of us would ever want to be with an emotionally unavailable person.

So why do we choose to do this? I've been addicted to emotionally unavailable people before and it totally sucks.

'Cuz the 10% of the Love and attention we are getting helps us feel less shitty. Without that 10% Love, we would get 0% Love, and 10% is better than 0%. And deep down we have a fear that we don't deserve Love, and that we must hold on to this small amount we are getting from someone who isn't even really available to us.

On paper, 10% seems better than 0%, if 0% is your reference point. But you see, The Uni-verse wants us to be FULFILLED. That doesn't mean 100% happy all the time, but what it does mean is that It wants us to FULLY experience the ups and downs of a relationship with an emotionally available person. This means the feeling of 100% Love is possible, with hopefully an average around 90% most of the time. When our reference point is 90-100% of the Love you want, why oh why would we put up with 10%? Easy - 'cuz we are scared of the unknown and assume the worst. We don't think highly of ourselves when we are in that frame of mind, and we are operating from low self-esteem and a lack consciousness. So we cling to 10% for dear life.

Today I would like to invite us to set a new standard and to let go of the 10% and let ourselves drift into the scary unknown. It is the promise of Love that if we let ourselves go into the unknown, work on ourselves and become the Love we are seeking, that IT will FIND US. Yup, that's right. But we have to go through the dark night of our fears, dive deep into our insecurities, feel the pain of them and then bring the Light of our awareness to them. We humbly ask The Uni-verse to remove our low self-esteem day by day and ask It to show us what Love is. Our goal is to Love ourselves as we are Loved by The Uni-verse, which is a lot. This kind of Love Loves our light and our dark and is constantly purifying the darkness into light.

As we do this, we desire to put up with less bull, and instead embrace a higher standard for Love. And as we embrace this higher standard, we WILL be sent someone who meets that higher standard, not in our time, but in the perfect time.

So, can you let go today? Can you let go of that measly 10% and step out into the unknown? I know it's scary, but in that unknown are your dreams and that BIG LOVE that you want. 

Dear God, PLEASE help me live this. Because I'm really having a hard time right now.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

relationship quotes

Whoa, these are good.

"An argument is always about what has been made more important than the relationship."

- Hugh Prather

"However good or bad you feel about your relationship, the person you are with at this moment is the "right" person, because he or she is the mirror of who you are inside."

- Deepak Chopra

"An intimate relationship does not banish loneliness. Only when we are comfortable with who we are can we truly function independently in a healthy way, can we truly function within a relationship. Two halves do not make a whole when it comes to a healthy relationship: it takes two wholes."

- Patricia Fry

"Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something. They're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take."

- Tony Robbins

Friday, August 10, 2012

TDL good ones

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions"
- Rainer Maria Rilke


When we know and see our own value, we will attract people who do, too.

Where does this start? Outside of us? NO - within. We must claim it. And we learn how to do this by not getting our needs met and learning through pain. That is how we learn. And life is the opposite of school. In school we study and THEN get the test. In life, we get the test and then we learn.

So, let us set a new intention for our relationships: To honor and cherish ourselves and to no longer prove our worth, but accept it. Let's step into letting go of people who do not see our worth, not because we are selfish, but because we now love ourselves enough to let go.


"Everything you take for granted is a blessing. Everything you fear is a friend in disguise. Everything you want is a part of you. Everything you hate you hate about yourself. Everything you own does not define you. Everything you feel is the only Truth there is to know.

Everything you wish for is already on its way to you. Everything you think creates your life. Everything you seek for you will find. Everything you resist will stick around. Everything you let go of stays if it's supposed to. Everything you need is right where you are.

Every time you bless another your bless yourself. Every time you blame another you lose your power. Every time you think you can, you can. Every time you fall you must get up and try again. Every time you cry you're one tear closer to joy. Every time you ask for forgiveness, all you have to do is forgive yourself.

Everyone you see is your reflection. Everyone you know mirrors you. Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to live in joy. Everyone seeks a higher purpose. Everyone breathes the same breath. Everyone needs love to survive. Everyone has a purpose to fulfill.

Everyone's the same as everyone else. We just get caught up in labels, names, skin color and religion. Everyone's the same as everyone else. No one wants to feel the pain. Everyone's the same as everyone else. Everyone is dying for love to remain."

- Jackson Kiddard


We don't deny the negative, we just put it in the proper context as being miracles for our own growth.

Many times in the personal growth and spiritual space we can confuse "positive thinking" and "positive denial."

Positive denial can be very destructive. Positive thinking can be very helpful.

As Seekers, the last thing we want to do is put our head in the sand when there is a problem and just "positive think" our way into denial and more pain. So, instead of just always being positive and that positivity being fake, we must also embrace the negative.

In fact, it is when we give voice and healing to the negative thoughts, emotions and situations in our lives that we transform. When we choose to stare at negativity and pain and embrace them as lessons, we begin to shift and change.

If we deny the negative within us, it begins to grow. And if we pretend to think that everything is ok, when it's not - we are no longer living in reality.

Fear and negativity exist for a reason; we must honor them and recognize them, but not dwell on them. Fear is a survival mechanism that keeps us alive and has since we were first created!

A toxic relationship is negative. But when we look closer at our own decisions, we begin to see how we contributed to the toxic relationship and, as a result, how we brought the negativity and toxicity on ourselves. In this way, we begin to learn from the toxic and negative outcomes and then alter our behavior. Negative situations point us to greater understanding of ourselves and, with awareness give us the amazing power of choice where we empower ourselves to learn from the negativity and make a new choice.

Being negative isn't bad - and it doesn't mean you are a bad person... It's normal, natural and there for us to LEARN from. Negativity is just as much a natural part of life as positivity. To live in either extreme only is living a life out of balance!

This idea can be expanded into every area of your life. We can learn from fear, toxicity and negativity and turn them into a positive and joyful outcome when we realize that they are teachers and not final outcomes.

There is DEEP wisdom within our fear and negative thoughts, once we stop making ourselves wrong for having them, we can learn from them and become even wiser for it!